Don’t hesitate to contact our team with any questions about keeping your event safe and legal, on 0207 802 3200 or – we’re here to help!

Promotional Materials

Any fundraising materials you use should say: in aid of The Lullaby Trust, Registered Charity No 262191. Registered charity numbers must be shown on all printed material that you use, including letters and posters.

Get in touch for permission to use our logo and branding guidelines.

Start planning your event

If you’re organizing an event where large numbers will be attending, planning ahead will help ensure it’s safe, legal and successful. Remember that if you’re holding an event in a public place, you must get permission first either from the local authority or the property owner.

You can find further guidance for planning your event:

Assessing public safety

You’ll need to think about how to make your event as safe as possible. Some venues may require you to provide a risk assessment that shows you have considered all the risks associated with your event and how you’ll minimise these.

You can download an example risk assessment template Risk Assessment Template

First Aid cover

Consider whether you have suitable first aid and emergency procedures at your event. The appropriate type of first aid cover you provide will depend on the event location, activities being held and number of people attending. For smaller events a fist aid box and one qualified first aider may be enough, for larger events you may want to consider contacting  St Johns Ambulance.

Public Liability Insurance

The Lullaby Trust cannot accept responsibility for accidents, injuries, loss, or damages as a result of your event. Arranging public liability insurance will protect you if a member of public is injured during your event. You should be able to organise this cheaply and simply for your event, there are plenty of providers online.

You should also request to see the public liability insurance certificate of any suppliers you hire. This will ensure that they’re covered in the event of an accident or incident with their equipment or service.

Food Hygiene

If you’re providing food at your event food safety laws will apply, make sure you properly store, prepare and cook food correctly. Remember to label ingredients such as nuts and other allergens. Also keep children and animals out of food preparation areas ad provide protective clothing such as gloves and aprons. You can find more information from The Food Standards Agency.

Raffle and lottery licenses

Your event may require a special license from your local authority, please check with them as part of your plans. Things that often require a license are; raffles, lotteries, auctions, public money collections, entertainment events and putting up signs or banners in a public space. If you’re planning these activities, please get in touch with our team for advice.

You can read some of our guidelines here. There’s also plenty of information from the Fundraising Regulator. 

Collecting and handling money

It’s important you put in place procedures to make sure money collected is handles, processed and deposited correctly and safely. The Charity Commission recommends that two people are present when it’s handled, secure and sealed containers are used, money is securely stored and deposited and sent to the charity as soon as possible.

Think sustainably 

Finally, do not forget to dispose of any rubbish or waste material safely! Set a good example by keeping a separate bag for recycling materials and encourage everybody to join in. Do consider the use of plastics and where swaps can be made, for example if you’re thinking of holding a balloon release at your event, blowing bubbles or floating flowers down a stream can be an excellent, more environmentally friendly alternative.