The contents needed for a CONI pack have been reduced and some resources are now free to download and print. Additional items for CONI Packs are available to purchase through the online shop.
- Alarm record (optional) – Can be used when the movement monitor alarm is activated. Recording the events may help parents talk with professionals.
- CONI leaflet – Information for parents about the CONI programme.
- Information for GP Records – Information sheet to be inserted into the baby’s GP electronic and/or paper records to act as a reminder that the baby is enrolled on the CONI programme.
- Paediatric Passport – A5 sheet to be inserted into the baby’s Personal Child Health Record (Red Book) to alert A&E staff that the baby is enrolled on the CONI programme, and facilitate access to an assessment by a senior paediatric doctor or nurse. A local card may be available to use instead.
- CONI Enrolment Form – Complete this form to register for the CONI programme.
- CONI Feedback Form – Parent’s feedback of the CONI programme.