We believe every family has unique insights, knowledge and experience, and we are grateful to everyone who shares this vital information with us by being on one of our panels.

I’d like information about the:

New and expectant families panel

Bereaved families panel

New and expectant parent panel - webpage (1)

New and expectant families panel

Baby on the way? Or have parental responsibility for a child under 12mths? We need you! We’re looking to recruit more families to our ‘new and expectant families panel’. This includes foster parents/carers, guardians, adoptive parents and people from under-represented groups such as LGBTQ+ families, parents with disabilities, and those from Black, Asian and Minority Ethnic families.

The aim of this panel is to make our safer sleep messaging accessible and useful for all families. We want to know how you think we should reach families, what information is important to you, and what we can do to improve our resources and services. You will have input into the resources we produce and the projects we embark on.

As a minimum, you would need to commit to at least one virtual meeting per year, as well as providing feedback via emails.

If you would like to join the new families panel, please register your interest here. We will follow up with an email and arrange a time for a phone call to discuss the panel in more detail with you.

Or if you would like to know more about the new families panel before joining, you can email info@lullabytrust.org.uk

Bereaved families panel - webpage

Bereaved families panel

Our bereavement support service is accessed by many different people –  mums, dads, grandparents, adult siblings, aunties, uncles, etc – so it’s important that our bereaved families panel reflects this. We are keen to hear from all family members, from all backgrounds, and all experiences of baby loss, whether you have used our support services or not.

We welcome applications from under-represented groups including:

💜 Single parents
💜 Adoptive parents
💜 Foster carers
💜 Families with Black, Asian and Minority Ethnic backgrounds
💜 LGBTQ+ families
💜 Parents with disabilities
💜 Families with lived experience of poverty

The aim of the panel is to help shape our bereavement services so that we are supporting families in a meaningful and helpful way. We want to know how you think our support can be improved, what you found helpful or unhelpful at different points along your journey. You will also give feedback on the bereavement resources we create and input on the projects we take on through the year.

As a minimum, you would need to commit to at least one virtual meeting per year, as well as providing feedback via emails.

If you would like to join the bereaved families panel, please register your interest here. We will follow up with an email and arrange a time for a phone call to discuss the panel in more detail with you.

Or if you would like to know more about the bereaved families panel before joining, you can email support@lullabytrust.org.uk

Please note: This is not a support group and we ask that you are at least 2 years bereaved and feel comfortable talking about bereavement without it becoming a trigger for you.