Grants Committee
Our Grants Committee review all applications for funding. The Committee initially assess applications and then will submit the applications for external rigorous peer review. The Lullaby Trust abides by the peer review guidelines set by the Association of Medical Research Charities, based on the principles of accountability, balance, independent decision making, rotation of scientific advisers and impartiality.
Scientific Advisory Group
In addition to our Grants Committee, we also regularly seek advice from our team of scientific advisors. Advice is provided on emerging research findings on SIDS, safety of new baby products and other relevant infant health matters.
Lay Panel
We also submit applications for funding to our Lay Panel, a group that have personal experience of the sudden unexpected death of a baby, to ensure that the research we fund responds to the needs of bereaved families, to achieve greater accountability and legitimacy in our funding process and to introduce new perspectives and ideas.
Find out more about Scientific Advisory Group and Grants Committee members.
Conflicts of interest
Our Grants Committee, Scientific Advisory Group and Lay Panel are asked to declare any conflicts of interest. Those with conflicts are not permitted to discuss or provide comment on those applications, papers or products. More about our conflict of interest policy can be found in the terms of reference for both the Grants Committee and the Scientific Advisory Group.