Lewin was born at 37 weeks plus 5 days. He was healthy and beautiful and we were able to take him home after 72 hours since there were no complications at birth or after.
Lewin came home to his proud big sister and he settled in straight away.
At age 3 months Lewin started to have loose stools with a bit of sickness (he was a sicky baby already so the sickness never concerned us too much) however with the loose stools we sent him to doctors just to be cautious. Doctors reassured us that he had a bug and would get better within 48 hours. However shortly after he developed a rash and we sent him straight to A&E. At A&E some results came back low however after watching him for a few hours the doctors decided he was okay to go home and could ride out his virus at home. Two days later I returned to doctors when he didn’t seem much better and they referred him to hospital. They then started to treat for viral meningitis to be on the safe side but results would not show for 5 days.
The doctors never seemed concerned; he was never constantly monitored on any machine and they also had talks about letting him home as he seemed to perk up. However on the 4th day of waiting for the results Lewin unexpectedly had a cardiac arrest and did not recover. All this happened within a week and was completely out the blue. We are still no further in the investigation to find out what caused Lewin to pass away as so far post mortem results have shown a healthy heart and body with no obvious reason. We found it really difficult to come to terms with this as it’s a very unusual situation we found it hard to find anyone in the same circumstances but we hope through charity work we will receive some kind of comfort.